Microsoft Word , Document Formatting .


Formatting refers to the appearance your  Document Another word for formatting is layout. Most essays contain at least four different kinds of text: headings, ordinary paragraphs, quotations and bibliographic references.





Document Formatting 

headers and footers

      1.  Change page orientation
      2.  Adjust a document's margin

       columns, tab setting, border and  shading .


Formatting Font

The screenshot below displays the menu path to change the font. Use a traditional font such as Times New Roman or Courier in 12-point size. 


Page Setup and Margin Formatting :

The screenshot below displays the menu path to change the margins in a paper.

       Use 1-inch margins throughout the paper (top, bottom, sides).

     •       Use a ragged right-hand margin (no right justification). 

Formatting Spacing :

The standard spacing format for a paper is double-spacing. Double-space the entire document, including the reference page. The screenshot below displays the menu path to change the spacing format to double. 

Page Headers :

APA, p. 288, 5.06. Identify each page with the first two or three words of the title and with the page number placed on the upper right hand corner of the page. Use five spaces between the title and the page number. Do not use your name to identify each page. Be sure the font type and size are the same as that used in the document.

Select the View menu on the toolbar.

Select Header and Footer.

Place the curser in the Header box and select the right justification button on Word’s toolbar so that the curser in the Header box moves to the right.

Type the first two or three words of the title.

Press the space bar five times.

Use the automatic function for inserting the page number as illustrated in this picture by selecting the first button with the # symbol.


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