Palanchok Bhagwati temple can be reached from Kathmandu, after going uphill from Dhulikhel, Pachkhal, Lami Dada market in Kavrepalanchok district.
Kavrepalanchok Bhagwati, which is at a distance of 52 km from Kathmandu, has road facilities. The glory and power of this temple can be seen spread far and wide. A grand fair is held on Baisakh, Purnima and Kartik Purnima. Devotees come here from far and wide.
In fact, it has the potential to become a religious tourism site. Palanchok Bhagwati Temple, from the perspective of Silpakala, Palanchok Bhagwati's idol is believed to be Aditya.
Naxal Bhagwati and Sobha Bhagwati, Palanchok Bhagwati, there is a Kimbdanti prepared by the same artist.
The idol of Bhagwati is 1 meter tall black slip made from a single stone. No chemicals are used. It is believed that there is great glory of Goddess Bhagavati, who has 18 hands, various weapons, richly decorated chadika ornaments and Mund mala, one of her hands is planted on the chest of the demon.
Stone and metal lions have been installed on the right and left side of the door, while the three pillars of brass with gold coating, the pagoda is built in Shauli, with copper roof and twisted doors and tudal and wooden finials, are made of artistic wood.
Palanchok Bhagwati, who is worshiped as Sakshat Devi among the various Shaktipiths scattered in the country, is considered as the goddess who fulfills wishes when worshiped and worshiped in a selfless manner.
An attractive idol of Bhagwati with Bhagwati's foot treading on the right, left moon and Mund and in the middle Bhaisasura Daitya is facing towards the side. Kavre Palanchok district has great glory of Bhagati. B.S. It is mentioned in the records of Likshwaika that it was founded in 425 AD during the reign of Mandev .
Palanchok Bhagwati is the eldest of the three sisters and is mentioned in the Likshwaika period's Kambadanti. It is found in the records that because the right hand of the sculptor of Palanchok Bhagwati was cut off, the idol of Naxal Bhagwati was made with the left hand and after cutting off the hand of Sobha Bhagwati, the idol of Sobha Bhagwati was made with the leg.
Alokita, full of unique artistic skills is attracted. The area around the mandir is filled with statues of Pati, Pauwa, Dharamshala, Trishul, Ghant and other deities.
At the beginning of the medieval period, 7 places in this Kavrepalancho district, Banepa Bridge near Chandeswari, Prayag Tirthanagar, Panauti Nala Bhagwati towards Narayani Tirth Nir Dhaukhel, Shrikhand Bridge Khadu Chakut near Dhulikhul Dhaneshwar, Ashram Nir Chaukut under Krishi and Bhir Sanga at Nasika Sathanir had the opportunity to develop with special importance.
It was famous as a major fortress in the Middle Ages. To Jai Singh Rai Bardhan, Jai Siti Malla became a Samant or Sasak after his family became enlightened. His nephew Shaktiram Bardhan, while he was a vassal, invited the Emperor of China and gave him the title of Wag and established a bilateral relationship.
Every Saturday and Tuesday, there is a crowd of devotees from different places including Kathmandu for darshan in this temple.
There are also temples of Kali and Ganesha on this temple. Sobha Bhagwati, Naxal Bhagwati and Palanchok Bhagwati behind Dakshinkali in the Kathmandu valley are believed to be the app of life that every Hindu or every Nepali must reach.
Before it was established in the present Palanchok, it was in Buchkot, Kavreko. Bhagavati herself appears in a dream to Buchakot villager and tells him to take me from here to the north. As the natives could not lift the stone of Bhagwati by themselves, it drifted to its current location and settled in this place.