4 Pranayama, which prevents 'heart blockage'



Over the past few years, the increasing number of heart related diseases is raising concern globally. It is no longer the case that heart disease is only a problem of old age. Because the risk of heart disease has increased not only in old age but also in young people. Young people under the age of 40 are also falling prey to heart diseases like 'heart blockage'.

Therefore, diseases can no longer be associated with increasing age, instead, attention should be paid to a healthy lifestyle that does not prevent diseases by identifying the dimensions of getting healthy as soon as possible. Doing yoga along with a healthy lifestyle makes the whole body healthy and happy. Experts are of the opinion that when both body and mind are happy then chronic diseases will be reduced.

Due to stress and lack of physical activity, cholesterol, obesity, diabetes and blood pressure problems are now considered normal. Such chronic diseases are more likely to cause the problem of 'heart blockage'.

'Heart Blockage' is a condition in which the electrical signals that control the heartbeat are partially or completely blocked, affecting the rhythm of the heartbeat. When this happens, the heart cannot deliver blood to the body properly. And, there may be risk of heart attack. In this case, some pranayama are considered effective to prevent heart problems and reduce the risk if they occur.

Anulom- Vilom 


Anulom-Vilom is one of the most effective pranayama to keep the heart healthy. In Anulom-Vilom, after inhaling through one nostril, inhale through the other nostril. Its regular practice reduces stress. Anulom-Vilom helps to reduce 'heart blockage'.

How to do it?

- First of all sit comfortably on the mat.

- Close your right nostril with your right thumb and take a deep breath through your left nostril

-Then close the left nostril with the finger and leave the right nostril.

-Exhale deeply through the right nostril and take it again.

- Close the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.

-Now exhale completely through the left nostril.

- This completes a cycle of Anulom-Vilom. Repeat this for 10-15 minutes.

Bhramari Pranayama

Bhramari Pranayama

In Bhramari Pranayama, a bee-like sound is hummed. This practice reduces stress and calms the mind. Bhramari pranayama helps to deliver excess oxygen to the body and can improve blood circulation, which keeps the heart healthy.

How to do it?

- Close your eyes and sit in a comfortable position.

- After this, close the ears with the big finger and put the upper two fingers on the forehead and the other two fingers on the eyes.

- Take a deep breath through the nose.

-Bee-like noise from the throat when breathing.

- It creates vibration in the body, which improves blood circulation.

- Repeat this exercise five to seven times.

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Pranayama provides oxygen to the mind and body. It calms the mind and relieves stress, anxiety and high blood pressure. It increases the amount of oxygen in the heart.

How to do it?

- For Ujjay Pranayama, you should sit with your spine straight.

- Taking a deep breath making a sound from the throat.

- After this, rest the chin on the throat and exhale.

- You can do this asana for five to 10 minutes.

Kapalabhanti Pranayama

Capillaries deliver pure oxygen to the body. Strengthens the function of the lungs and heart. When there is enough oxygen in the body, the blood flow is also easy. Calms the mind.

Kapalabhanti Pranayama After completing all the Pranayama methods, Kapalbhanti should be done at the end. It is considered to be the most effective in Pranayama.

How to do it?

- Easily sit in any meditation posture.

- Focus on exhaling through both nostrils.

- While exhaling, the stomach, anus and urethra should contract.

-Increasing speed once per second.

What should be noted in this process is to only exhale, not to inhale. Because in this action the breath automatically enters.

However, Pranayama is not the only way to prevent heart problems. Along with this, the body can remain healthy only by prioritizing diet, regular health check-ups due to chronic diseases, sleeping 8 hours a night, drinking enough water, not drinking alcohol and smoking, physical labor, stress management and yoga practice.

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