Does yoga really sharpen the mind?


Youg Excersise

The brain is an organ that is always active from birth to death. The proof that it works even while sleeping is confirmed by the dreams we see. Yoga and lifestyle trainer Dr. Yoga practice is very important to save a constantly active mind from fatigue. Raju Adhikari says.

Just as heavy weights are lifted to make muscles stronger and bigger. Similarly, the more yoga is done, the stronger the mind becomes. "Yoga is an important method of concentrating the mind and keeping the body in balance," he said. He claims that it is possible to do things that cannot be done by any other medicine or treatment method through yoga practice.

How does it affect?

There are billions of cells in the brain. If these cells are disturbed or become inactive, the mind becomes weak. He says that yoga wakes up the nerve cells of the brain system, which are becoming weak and inactive, and makes them work properly.

Also, yoga practice removes blockages, fatigue, pressure and stress from the nervous system. The job of yoga is to balance both the stimulating and normalizing systems of the body.

Sharpens the mind

Various studies have also emphasized that yoga practice is important for strengthening the mind. A Hardbird University study has shown that the mind develops new connections while doing yoga. That new connection turns into a brain structure. As a result, it improves cognitive abilities such as memory and ability to learn. Yoga sharpens the mind and increases concentration, thought, thinking ability, intelligence of speech.

Yoga practice

Dr. According to the official, yoga practice includes exercises like Bhramari Pranayama, Dhyana, Anulom Vilom, Padmasana, Sukhasana.

Bhramari Pranayama is pranayama performed by closing both the eyes and ears and making the sound of Om. This pranayama removes negative emotions like anger, irritability, frustration and anxiety, strengthens concentration and memory, and increases confidence.

Pada paschimottanasana calms the mind by removing stress, anger and anger. Setubandha posture relaxes the muscles. Increases blood circulation in the brain. Helps calm the brain and nervous system, which reduces anxiety, stress and dr. Officials say.

Senior Neurologist Dr. Rajeev Jha says. He says that since yoga plays a major role in increasing the concentration of the mind and removing negative emotions, he advises the patients who come to the hospital to apply yoga in their daily life.

The difference between doing yoga and not doing it

There is a difference between a body that eats nutritious food and one that does not. Similarly, there is a difference between those who practice yoga and those who do not. Officials say. The minds of those who do yoga are always sharp, alert, active, conscious, able to control movement and think. But the mind of those who do not practice yoga may remain restless, impatient, stressed and confused, which may cause psychological problems, says the official.

Studies conducted by Hardbird using MRI scans and other brain imaging techniques have shown that people who practice yoga regularly have stronger cerebral cortex (part of the brain that processes information) and hippocampus (tissue for learning and memory) than those who do not do yoga. These areas of the brain usually shrink in size with age. Yoga

The study concluded that the portion of those who practice yoga and meditation daily is less narrowed than those who do not. From which it is understood that yoga can prevent the memory capacity that decreases with age to some extent.

In this regard, Dr. Dhanshyam Kharel also says that yoga and meditation should be included to keep the brain healthy and strong. Yoga makes the hippocampus of the brain develop and healthy. This helps to maintain the memory of the person. In addition, meditation increases the concentration of the mind, which has been shown by recent studies to strengthen decision-making ability, learning and memory. Kharel says.

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