How to practice Surya Namaskar, what are the benefits?


Surya Namaskar

Practicing different types of yoga is beneficial for a healthy body. Various yoga poses have a favorable effect on every part of the body. The most effective and best of these asanas is Surya Namaskar.

Surya Namaskar literally means offering or praying to the sun. It is a kind of physical activity, which is done during sunrise. That is why it is called Surya Namaskar. In ancient times, sages and yogis treated the Sun with devotion and reverence. As a result, the people of the Vedic era were energetic, disease-free and glorious throughout their lives. Therefore, Surya Namaskar is considered not only a yoga practice but also a holy act.

Sun is the biggest source of energy. Therefore, after Surya Namaskar, energy is transmitted to every part of the body. Its 12 asanas give the same results as other yoga asanas. Each Surya Namaskar asana is a powerful yoga posture in itself, which can activate every part of the body. That is why it is called complete and excellent Yogasana. Performing Surya Namaskar for some time daily gives positive energy and exercises the whole body. Surya Namaskar can be performed by people of all classes.

When to do Surya Namaskar?

As with all yogic activities, morning sunrise is considered best for Surya Namaskar. When the first rays of the sun appear, positive energy is received. Also, the stomach should be completely empty while doing this exercise. Surya Namaskar should be done in the open air and in an empty space and the face should be facing the sun.

How to do Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar is performed with the help of 12 asanas. All these postures have their own benefits. Good results are obtained only by performing Surya Namaskar correctly.

1. prostration :

To perform Pranamasana, both legs should be joined and the waist should be kept straight. Now join both hands and bring them close to your chest and come to the position of salutation.

2. Hasta Uttanasana :

The second asana is Hasta Uttanasana. Take a deep breath in this asana and join hands. It should be noted that in such a situation both hands should touch the ears. Now keep the lower part of the waist straight and try to move the upper part of the body back as much as possible.

3. resignation :

While exhaling like this, try to keep both hands on the floor. In this case, the forehead should touch the ankle. If you are a beginner and it is difficult to keep your hands on the floor, this asana can be done by slightly bending the knees.

4. Ashwa Sanchalnasana :

Now while inhaling, while sitting on the left leg, keep the right leg behind the floor as much as possible. In this case, the knee of the right leg should touch the ground. While in this asana, look upwards from the neck.

5. Parvatsana :

Parvatsana, the fifth asana of Surya Namaskar, is also called Chaturanga Dandasana. While exhaling in this asana, also move the left leg back. After the left and right toes are parallel, try to lift the body from the middle. At this time, the palms and fingers should be near the ground. In this position, the hands and feet should remain straight.

6. Ashtanga Namaskar :

Now, before coming from Parvatsana to Ashtanga Namaskar, you have to take a deep breath. Now touch the floor with both knees, chest and chin without exhaling. In this asana, the waist is raised towards the sky. In this case, it should be done as if saluting the sun.

7. Bhujangasana :

For this asana, first lie on your stomach. Now try to lift the upper part of the waist with the help of your hands. Breathe slowly while doing this and tilt your head towards the sky as much as possible.

8. Parvatsana :

Now come back to Parvatsana. For this, try to lift the middle part of the body while exhaling. Keep in mind that while doing this asana both the arms should be straight and the feet should touch the ground. Also try to look towards the navel.

9. Ashwa Sanchalnasana :

The ninth asana in the yoga practice of Surya Namaskar is Ashwa Sanchalanasana. Which is also called Dandasana. The entire process of performing this asana is similar to the fourth asana of Surya Namaskar. Taking a slow deep breath, bring your right leg forward and sit on it. At the same time, keep the left leg straight and touch the knee to the floor. While doing this asana, the head should be raised towards the sky.

10. Resignation :

The tenth asana is Padahastasana. Breathing out on it, bring the left leg forward. Now touch the ground with your hands and straighten your legs and try to touch your forehead with your knees.

11. Hastauttanasana :

This asana of Surya Namaskar is like the second stage of Surya Namaskar yoga. Inhale, stand up straight and then raise your arms up, leaning back slightly while pushing your hips out a little.

12. Prostration :

Pranamasana is the last posture of Surya Namaskar. Come back to the bowed posture like the first step of Surya Namaskar i.e. stand completely straight and join both hands and come into prayer posture.

What are the benefits of practicing Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar benefits the mind and body in many ways. Its regular practice increases physical and mental energy. It sharpens thinking power and memory. From the point of view of health, vitamin D from sunlight strengthens the bones of our body and protects us from various diseases.

- Surya Namaskar improves blood circulation in the body and the blood flow in the body is faster, which gives relief in blood pressure disease.

- All 12 stages of Surya Namaskar increase immunity and help the body fight infection or disease.

- Obesity can be removed by reducing excess body fat.

- Stimulates abdominal muscles, respiratory system, spine and other internal organs.

- Its regular practice develops positive feelings.

- You can get rid of mental stress, anxiety, insomnia, anger, irritability and fear.

- Practicing Surya Namaskar regularly strengthens the upper part of the body and makes the body flexible.

- Practicing these exercises regularly reduces the risk of problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, diabetes and constipation.

-Provides relief in major physical problems of women such as irregular menstruation, fatigue, body pain, hormonal problems.

-Psychologically, it controls the interrelationship of body, breath and mind.

Things to keep in mind while doing Surya Namaskar

Before practicing Surya Namaskar, it is necessary to pay attention to some things. This can make it easier to avoid the harm of Surya Namaskar.

- Surya Namaskar should be done on an empty stomach.

- Every asana performed under this practice should be done properly and one should know which asana, when to inhale and at what time to exhale.

- Surya Namaskar should not be performed by people with high blood pressure, heart disease, hernia and spine problems and those who have undergone surgery.

-Pregnant women should not attempt this asana.

-Women are advised not to do Surya Namaskar during menstruation.

Surya Namaskar is a complete yogasana. If one does Surya Namaskar daily, he does not need to do any other exercise or yoga. Surya Namaskar is especially beneficial for those who cannot spare much time for exercise. There is no other yogic practice that is easy, convenient for all age groups and benefits all the major systems of the body. We should start Surya Namaskar as our daily routine.

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