These 10 ways to decorate the walls of the room


Decorated the walls of  room

The role of walls is important in making the house and room look attractive. The first thing that makes the wall stand out is painting. Apart from this, the walls of the room can be decorated by decorating various items.

10 ways to make the walls of the house look attractive are discussed here.


You can decorate the wall by placing certificates such as certificates of appreciation and certificates received by yourself or your family members. By doing this, those certificates should be kept in an attractive frame.


 Wallpaper is another way to decorate the walls of home and office. Nowadays, wallpapers are available in different colors, prints, 3D prints. Alphabetical wallpaper can be placed in children's room.


You can make it look attractive by placing a large mirror on the wall. Nowadays, there is also a custom of having a mirror of the same size as the wall. Even a small room can be made to look bigger by using it. Similarly, you can make a small mirror frame and place it on the wall.

Wall clock: 

Wall clock can also be used to decorate the room. Nowadays, it is a trend to keep a big size watch. It can be decorated according to your wish using metal, wood in round, triangular shape. It is usually suitable to be placed in the living room.

Photo frame:

Pictures captured in different moments of life can be decorated in a frame and placed on the wall. Small to large size frames can be used in this as per requirement.


Different types of paintings can be placed on the wall. One is to decorate the painting frame and the other is to hand paint the entire wall. Hand painting is often found in restaurants and schools which is attractive. You can draw pictures of God, natural scenes, informative pictures on the wall to make it attractive. It gives an artistic look to the house provides It decorates the wall and also reflects the natural beauty. Also, you can make a family photo in a painting frame and decorate it on the wall. Besides, it can be decorated on canvas.

Hanging wood board: 

Nowadays, photos, motivational quotes and sayings can be decorated on the wall on the hanging wood made of wood. It also works to make the wall attractive as well as encouraging. The wall can be decorated by designing this circle, importer, arc triangle as per your wish.


Mukhundo of various deities can also be used to decorate the wall in a special way.

Paper wall decor:

You can decorate the wall with various attractive materials made of paper or by framing photos. Recently, paper dream catcher, butterflies, jungle trees and flowers of various designs are used to decorate the walls.

Antique material: 

It can be decorated with other antique materials. It can be decorated by hanging it on a wall or making a small drawer. Since these antique materials are few in number, they usually look good when decorated on the walls of the staircase.

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