What is Jalneti, how is it done?



Jalneti is an ancient and natural yogic practice. Just as the teeth are cleaned by brushing the teeth, the nose is cleaned by the practice of jalneti.

In this process of nasal cleansing, the nose is washed with salt water to remove debris from the nose. It also helps to get rid of sinuses and does not allow dirt to accumulate in the nose and also removes accumulated germs. Jalneti helps to facilitate proper breathing during any yoga practice.

Method :

-Jalneti Yoga requires a neti vessel. Watering pots are available in the market. Which should be properly set in the nose.

-Now take one liter of warm water in the neti pot and add one spoon of salt in it.

- To do Jalneti, you have to sit with a little distance between the two legs.

- Bending the head down a little and starting to breathe through the mouth, so that the water put in from one nostril comes easily from the other nostril.

-Jalneti yoga can be done by bending slightly from the waist.

-Now take a neti pot filled with water and place it in your right nostril and pour the water slowly.

-Now pour water into the neti vessel in the left nostril again and slowly pour water through the right nostril.

Jalneti can be done at any time of the day, but it is best to do it in the morning. It is advisable to do it once a week. If someone has a cold, it is beneficial to do this two to three times a day.

When doing this exercise for the first time, it should be done only under the supervision of a yoga instructor. Everyone can do this exercise, except those who have undergone nose, ear and throat surgery, those with back pain and pregnant women.

Advantage :

- Watering increases the blood flow in the membrane inside the nose. It is an effective remedy for nasal problems.

-Salt water cleans the nose, so it can avoid congestion, cold and pollution. It prevents germs from growing around the nose.

-If a person suffering from insomnia practices it regularly, it will help them fall asleep.

- Migraine sufferers will experience less headache when doing this exercise.

- Eye related problems such as eye pain, loss of eyesight are treated in it.

- It is beneficial in the treatment of ear diseases, hearing problems and ear discharge.

Kapalbhati pranayama is beneficial to keep the nose dry after jalneti.


Kapalbhati is the process of letting the breath in and out. Kapalbhati after jalneti relaxes the nose and keeps the nose dry.

Not only that, this method cleans the nose, keeps the digestive system healthy, strengthens the function of the lungs and delivers pure oxygen to the body. When there is enough oxygen in the body, the blood flow is also easy and it calms the mind.

Method :

To do Kapalbhati, you should sit comfortably with your spine straight. Look at the sky and take a long deep breath. As you exhale, pull in so that your belly touches your spine. To complete one round of Kapalbhati Pranayama, one should inhale and exhale 20 times.

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