Why are we so sad and dissatisfied?


"Tell me, what is the greatest thing in life?"

On the upper floor of the National Cardiac Center in Bashundhara, Dr. Ommurthy Anil's office. As soon as we got there, he asked us an unexpected question.

"Wealth, house, car, luxury, comfort, fun" we answered like an obedient child.

He shook his head no.

Then we asked, 'Health?'

'Wilkul' he smiled and happily said, 'The biggest thing in life is health. Because if your health is not right, no matter how sweet you eat, no matter how well you dress, no matter how expensive a car you ride, no matter how grand a palace you live in, it will be meaningless.

We agreed to listen to his sermon. However, suddenly he asked another question in Hajirizwaf style, "There is something bigger than health in life. What is that?'

He stopped for a few moments and blurted out the question himself, "Khusi ajha baun anand."

Dr. We especially wanted to talk about the heart with Ommurthy. However, he started talking about his heart. We have become honest listeners of what we love.

Arithmetic of life: What have we lost to gain?

I used to be very ambitious. I thought that I should open my own hospital, should be the first choice of all patients, so much so that my name should appear in the media. But, after a while, a strange question arose in my mind, what is all this for?'

I got such a philosophy that I had to lose a lot to get it.

Today we are running with Vepatta. For education, for career, for success, for prosperity. After reaching a point, we get all those things. We have jobs, sources of income,

There is a house, there is a car. However, by the time we reach here, we have lost a lot of things that we had.

Your time, your health, your relationship, your happiness.

Now let's calculate, what we got was big or lost? Here, the value and share of what is lost is greater than what is gained. In fact, we have not done any accounting for it.

Insatiable and short happiness

Why did we start running like this?

Because we wanted success. Completeness was needed. The facility was needed. Respect was needed.

Why did we need these things?

Because we were eager to enjoy it.

Did we enjoy it?

Any material achievement definitely makes a person feel happy. A person who is walking feels the joy of riding a motorcycle. A motorcycle rider will be happy if he can ride a car. Those who do not have a home are happy when they get a small house, those who live in tents are happy when they add their own house. However, this happiness does not last long.

This does not mean that money and career are not needed. Needed for livelihood. However, there is no end to the marathon race in which we join to accumulate wealth. Running for success and wealth, time has pushed us too far. Of course, we have reached the second half of life.

After reaching there, what we realize is that wealth and success alone do not give us satisfaction.

What various studies have shown is that when a person is very poor, in need, even if he earns little, his level of happiness increases rapidly. Because he gets to eat, get to wear, his life gets better. However, when he reaches a certain date, his level of happiness starts decreasing again. And it returns to its original state. Dissatisfaction, sadness begins.

What I have found is that people are sad despite everything. Because he is not satisfied with what he has. Not understanding its significance, he becomes sad.

What this means is that what we are considering as a source of happiness and joy. Actually it is not so. The house we say, the car we say, the success we say are not happiness. The more we rush to be satisfied with these things, the more unsatisfied they become.

Eventually we start to feel sad. We start to worry. He starts to regret it. We start suffering from depression. It makes us sleepy. Hunger starts to wake up. We start getting heart disease.

Then we are forced to think that, after all, what did I want in life?

This question comes to us at that time, when many things have passed. Now we are not in a position to go back and correct our mistakes. What will we be left with then?

One thing, repentance.

When do you question yourself?

There are many types of learning. You learn from your mistakes, you can learn from the mistakes of others, you can also learn from the good deeds done by others.

The thing to be learned is, how can one get happiness or joy even without losing many things in life?

That is, how can these two be combined in a parallel and balanced manner in life? This is an important question. We have to ask ourselves with closed eyes. But, will this question be asked today or after 60 years?

After arriving here, it is important to understand one truth that even if a person is materially prosperous, he can be poor in heart. Also, some people can be happy and prosperous even though they are physically poor. What is the permanent source that makes the mind so rich and happy?

This is our mind and thinking.

So what does this mind and thinking depend on? Why is someone happy despite being in need? Why is someone sad even though they are old enough? Why are their minds so divided?

When I thought about it deeply, what I found is that when we start a race to achieve a goal in life, we put all our energy into it. One goal is achieved, then we run for another goal. Until we stumble, until we fight, we run without turning back.

In this kind of rush, people can't think that what is life after all? Why and what am I running for? After all, the goal I am achieving, how much was it worth spending so much?

Most of the people think that career and success is the only goal in life.

While there were many other things in a man's life besides his life. There was family, relatives, friends, society. What have we sacrificed for our career and success?

We lost something in every gain.

We lost the relationship. We lost faith. We lost relatives. We lost a brother. We lost time and energy.

Now you have to decide whether or not to lose this thing to get that thing. Or balance both these things?

I know that as long as a person does not suffer, he will continue to run with success. But, one day in life, that moment comes where there is separation, sadness, lack.

Who will wipe my tears at that time?

My success, my career, my money don't wipe my tears. He does not comfort me in my sorrow. Yes, now we know that the biggest thing is your family, your siblings, your friends.

Of course, the biggest thing to earn in life is a sincere and selfless relationship.

Profit-loss relationship

Even though we are running for wealth, success and prestige, it is not that we do not make friends or relationships. To reach every height we have made many kinds of relationships.

We made some kind of relationships.

To earn money, to do business, to gain fame and popularity, we were building relationships. However, we built that relationship by putting it on the scales. Let's calculate how much benefit will be gained by making a relationship with whom. We made friends only for our own profit. And, as soon as our goal was achieved, we dissolved these relationships.

We looked for profit and loss in the relationship.

This is the mistake we made.

The relationship should not be tied with money, but with self and feelings. Such a relationship is eternal. There is no transaction in that regard. It is this relationship that keeps us happy in any situation and mood. In fact, the only lasting source of happiness and joy is a heart-warming relationship.

Family happiness best

Success and money increase man's frenzy. People think that I don't need anything anymore. I am a surveyor.

But, one day time brings him to such a place that he becomes lonely.

For the sake of getting money and success, he has weakened relationships. At that stage of life, when he is alone, then his mind starts to be restless and hasty. There is no one to visit him when he is sick, no one to help him when he is in trouble. At that time, his money and wealth will do nothing for him.

He is very sad.

Before we sink into this pit of sorrow, we must decide that getting in life is not everything. The most valuable family and relationship should not be lost in the rush to get everything. You are happy only when your family life is complete. Keep strengthening such loving relationships with family, friends, that never let you feel alone.

Be close to your parents, children, husband-wife, siblings and live in harmony with each other. Physical closeness, touch also adds sweetness to the relationship. That sweetness is the constant source of happiness and joy.

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