How to get rid of obesity?


Fat Body

Nowadays many people are worried about obesity. There is also concern about how to reduce the fat body. Everyone seems to be concerned about their fitness and looks.

To stay fit and healthy, people diet and sweat by going to the gym. There are many videos on social media about weight loss tips. People are getting inspired by looking at it.

But the biggest question is, if you want to stay fit, which is better to focus on gym or diet? In this case, even if you pay attention to your diet and do not exercise, will you lose weight? What to pay attention to when going to exercise?

Exercise or reduce food to reduce obesity?

Many people have a question whether to exercise or to reduce food to reduce obesity. But to reduce obesity, it is necessary to do both exercise and food. Even if you only eat less, you will lose weight. But later, if you can't continue it, you will gain weight again. Therefore, you should eat less and exercise at the same time.

Like eating right, exercising right, adopting a balanced routine. Weight can be controlled gradually through these methods. This is the best way to lose weight.

If you eat less food and exercise daily, you will lose weight and become healthy. If you go to the gym to exercise, it will be decided according to the condition of the person or the body structure for how long to control the weight.

What should you pay attention to before going to a fitness club?

If you want to lose weight, you may want to go to a fitness studio, but you may also think that you need to make some preparations. But you don't have to worry about that.

Do not start exercising very hard right after going to the fitness club. You should start with warm-up and easy exercises and then gradually increase the exercises. So your fitness trainer helps in all this.

Why go to a fitness club to exercise?

Losing weight is not a difficult task, even if you don't eat for a few days, you will lose weight. But in addition to losing weight, it is also important to be healthy. Going to a fitness club is fine for that.

A fitness club has a healthy environment. Meet people who have worked hard to lose weight like you. It is encouraging to see them working hard.

Can we lose body fat just by exercising?

Body fat is reduced by eating a balanced diet rather than exercising alone. In this way, the loss of body fat is for a long time. If only food is reduced or only exercise is done, it may not be long-term.

If you set aside your special time and exercise without being lazy, it will gradually change the body.

What should you eat after going to the gym?

How is our Nepali society, if a person is going to the gym to control his weight and is on a diet, then his family members and friends tax him saying that he will not eat or have anything today. Not only that, Dashain-Tihar is approaching. Therefore, if there is such an environment, I should pay attention to why I am dieting and going to the gym. If you eat junk food on one side, you should eat healthy food and exercise on the other side.

To control weight, as much as possible outside food, too greasy, too sweet salty food should be reduced. The amount of carbohydrates in daily food should be reduced a little. The amount of protein, fiber and minerals in food should be increased. Had to consume good fat. Vegetables and salads with plenty of fiber should also be consumed.

Do you have to eat protein shakes after going to the gym?

A normal person goes to the gym to keep his body fit, flexible and strong in addition to controlling his weight. A balanced diet is enough for that, you don't need to eat protein shakes. But if someone needs to build a lot of muscle, build a six pack, do a lot of heavy exercise, they should eat a protein shake.

What should be taken care of when going to the gym because of blood pressure and diabetes?

People with high blood pressure and diabetes should consult a doctor before going to the gym. One should pay attention to exercise and diet according to the doctor's advice. Instead of doing a lot of exercise in one day, you should gradually increase it.

Can those who cannot go to the gym exercise at home?

Almost everyone is busy these days. Many people don't even have the time to go to the gym. In this situation, many fitness clubs have arranged online classes. But those who cannot participate in online classes can also do some exercises at home.

You can lose weight by exercising at home. Weight can be controlled by playing games like running, jumping, badminton, volleyball for half an hour at home.

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