Jitiya Festival Is Celebrated For The Long Life of Children, The Birth of A Son and Family Happiness and Peace .


Celebrated Jitiya Festival

Introduction : 

Why is Jitiya Celebrated ?   Jitiya festival, which is celebrated for the long life of children, the birth of a son and family happiness and peace, lasts for three days. In Mithilanchal, religious rituals have started.

According to the Hindu calendar, the festival of Jitiya is celebrated from Ashtami to Navami of Asoj Krishna Paksha

In the festival celebrated in Pitru Paksha, women themselves offer pinda to their deceased father. Among the fasts celebrated in Mithilachal, Jitiya Vrat is considered as a holy fast.

The holy 'Jitiya Parva' of the entire Mithila region of Nepal and India has started from today by bathing and eating in the Mithila region.

who celebrate jitiya festival ?

Nepali married women of Mithilanchal and Tharu woman of Eastern and Central Nepal. On the first day before the fast, women take a bath in a river, lake or pond and offer a ghirula leaf to Lord Jitamahan and the departed father in the form of chiura, curd, amot (a food prepared from mango juice) and Pina Prasad, which they also eat and feed to all the family members.

From the oil offered to the deity, one should also apply it to one's branch children. After worshiping on the first day of fasting, it is customary to eat millet bread, salted greens and fish. It is called 'Mach Maruwa (millet)' in the local language. Every woman must eat millet and fish today, and every house cooks millet bread and fish on these days.

In the morning, before crowing, a fasting woman should perform ongathan, that is, she should put some food on her lips. Most of the women eat curd in Ongathan. After that, the sequence of fasting begins.

During this festival, the fasting women here take a bath in rivers, ponds or ponds, including holy lakes and rivers, and listen to the story of Jitmahan. In this case, it is customary for the elder to say and the younger to listen.

The story goes like this.

According to religious beliefs, Jitiya Braat is connected with Mahabharata time. According to legend, after the death of Yasothama's father in battle, Yasothama was very angry and to avenge his father's death he went to the Pandava's camp and killed five innocent people.

Yasothama took it and said that the five people were Pandavas, but because of his wrong thinking, the Pandavas managed to stay alive.

When the Pandavas came before Yasothama, he realized that instead of the Pandavas, he had killed the five children of the guard traitors, Arjuna became very angry and Arjuna imprisoned Yasothama, Divyamani Captured, then in a fit of revenge, Yasothama used the Brahma weapon to kill Abhimanyu's wife, the child growing in Uttara's womb.

According to Lord Krishna, since it is mandatory for the child of Uttara to be born on this earth, God used nectar to bring the child back to life, so because the child of Uttara died in the womb and came back to life, the name of this fast is from that day, the mothers of all over the world have to pay homage to this fast for the long life of their children. Legend has it that he became famous in Shansar after Laga.

The second story.

There was a city called Kanchanvati near the Narvada river in India, which was a famous city. The king of that Kanchanvati kingdom was named Malaya Ketu who was ruling in that city. There was a desert on the west side of the river. The name of that desert was famous as Baluhata. There was a big tree in that desert.

A bird lived in that tree and there was a Eagle in the root of that tree in which a fox lived. So there was a close friendship between the fox and the chile. On the occasion of Jitiya festival, two friends have decided to celebrate Jitiya festival together. Accordingly, the two friends started the first day of full niyamapurvak, nirjala brat and time was passing and night was falling.

On the same day, a famous merchant of the city died and he was buried in the desert and performed the last rites. When the night fell, the fox was very hungry and the fox escaped and broke the fast by satisfying his hunger on the dead body of the merchant. The same chil successfully completed his fast and had a meal the next day.

In the next birth, the fox and the bird are born in a Brahmin's house and the two become sisters. The Brahmin's name was Bhaskar and in his previous birth he was Chil, in this birth his eldest daughter was named Silavati and she was married to a businessman named Buddhi Singh.

He was a jackal in his previous birth and in this birth he was Kapura Bati, the younger daughter of a Brahmin. The king of the city was married to Malaya Ketu, so Kapuravati was the queen of the city. By the grace of God, Shilavati had seven children, but Kapuravati was dying at the time of birth, so the queen became despondent and jealous.

Time passed, all the seven sons of Shilavati had grown up and they were living in the king's house. One day Kapuravati saw her sister's seven sons and an evil part awakened in her heart. He ordered the heads of all seven children to be cut off, covered with red cloth on seven pallets, and taken to the mother's house.

God was watching this event and as a result, God made a clay head and made it alive using nectar. But Kapura Vati was waiting and waiting to hear the news of the death of seven sons from his aunt's house and when no news came. When Rani Kapuravati reached her sister's house, she was shocked and shocked to see all the seven children there.

After coming to his senses, he started apologizing by detailing the mistakes he had made. But all these things Shilbati knows the story of the first birth by the grace of Lord Jiut Deuta, and after telling everything to Rani Kapura Vati, she fell unconscious on the spot. After the death, the king cremated the queen at the same place.

From that day onwards, the king spread the word about the power of Jiut deity in the city and ordered the people to celebrate this Jitiya festival.

The third story.

In the kingdom of King Shalivahan, after seven sons of a woman were taken away by a demon, the king brought back all the seven sons from the demon, so the woman named Shalivahan as 'Jitumahan' and started fasting in memory of the king.

In the kingdom of King Shalivahan, after seven sons of a woman were taken away by a demon, the king brought back all the seven sons from the demon, so the woman named Shalivahan as 'Jitumahan' and started fasting in memory of the king.

They say that Jitiya festival, which is celebrated for the long life of children, the birth of a son and family happiness and peace, has religious, cultural and tantric significance.

If a woman burps or bites her mouth or tongue on the day of fasting, it is considered that the fast has failed. That is why this festival is also called Khad Jitia. Once again, the vrat who fails cannot fast for life.

Women don't embrace this festival because once in life it can't be done again. But in Mithila region, every woman who has a son has to follow this festival in her life.

According to the Hindu calendar, the festival of Jitiya is celebrated from Ashtami to Navami of Asoj Krishna Paksha

According to Jatishshastra, women observe Jitiya fast for the long life and prosperity of their children. It is believed that observing this fast will protect children from suffering, pain and problems as well as getting children. Jitiya is also known as Jeevitaputrika Vrat.

Following the fast, the women bathed in nearby ponds and ponds on Thursday and bathed in ghirula leaves, mustard oil, vermilion, mustard drink (khair), henna leaves, flowers, etc.

On the eve of fasting, it is customary to eat fish and marua along with yogurt and curd at midnight. Gita Devi Jha, a fasting woman from Janakpurdham, said that after fasting from 4 am on Friday morning and breaking the fast after 10 am on Saturday morning, Jitiya fast will be completed.

In the Tharu community, there is a story of women fasting Jitia, which is considered special, to dedicate their branches to Jimutavahan deity and fill them with fruits for children and good fortune.

According to Anita Yadav, Vratalu of Mahendranagar, Kshireshwarnath Municipality 5, who has been following the custom of curd chewing on banana leaves again on Last day of fasting, after offering fruit, Jitiya starts with Ghiraula leaves and ends with banana leaves.


How can the celebration of Jitiya promote harmony?  They say that Jitiya festival, which is celebrated for the long life of children, the birth of a son and family happiness and peace, has religious, cultural and tantric significance.

If a woman burps or bites her mouth or tongue on the day of fasting, it is considered that the fast has failed. That is why this festival is also called Khad Jitia. Once again, the vrat who fails cannot fast for life.

Women don't embrace this festival because once in life it can't be done again. But in Mithila region, every woman who has a son has to follow this festival in her life.
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